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Q23 - Can I change my style gradually to the KSL method?
Last Updated 11/04/2014 at 01:27:25 PM EST
Since 2 weeks I am studying your wonderful and convincing view/book on archery. As I am a common-style archer the question arises of how to change to the KSL-style shooting technique. As in our club there are no coaches that studied your approach and still teach the common-style approach Ii find it difficult to get myself started in changing my style to the KSL-style. Is there a way to start changing my style in a gradual manner or would it be preferred to start all over again? Kind regards.
August 24, 2006
from E.H. of The Netherlands:

"Since 2 weeks I am studying your wonderful and convincing view/book on archery. As I am a common-style archer the question arises of how to change to the KSL-style shooting technique. As in our club there are no coaches that studied your approach and still teach the common-style approach Ii find it difficult to get myself started in changing my style to the KSL-style. Is there a way to start changing my style in a gradual manner or would it be preferred to start all over again? Kind regards."
We have translated the KSL Shot Cycle in your native language, Dutch, so all coaches, irrespective if they speak English or not should be able to understand what I'm teaching. As a start I would suggest you read the Coaching Newsletter on the website, which basically lists most common errors in form for the majority of archers in the world. Also try to study and implement the diagrammatic KSL Shot Cycle Technique. You can start by trying to implement one step at a time. Obviously every step is important, but 'set-up' and 'holding' are very critical components in the shot and most archers have problems implementing these. As I said before try to implement and focus on one step at a time and of course best would be to work with a coach or another archer who understands or who wants to understand and learn/teach the KSL method.

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