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Q63 - Does Brady Ellison's release result in any torque?
Last Updated 16/04/2014 at 01:54:32 PM EST
Your video of Brady Ellison appears to show a 'rotation' of the string wrist upon release, starting with the palm facing Brady, and ending with the palm facing towards the ground. Likewise, the bow wrist appears to rotate, starting with the palm facing the bow, and ending with the palm facing down. That is, the two hands rotate toward each other -- the bow hand clockwise, the string hand counterclockwise. Is there any torque during the shot that causes such a follow through? That is, is the rotation intentional?
February 1, 2011
from R.R. of USA:

Your video of Brady Ellison appears to show a 'rotation' of the string wrist upon release, starting with the palm facing Brady, and ending with the palm facing towards the ground. Likewise, the bow wrist appears to rotate, starting with the palm facing the bow, and ending with the palm facing down. That is, the two hands rotate toward each other -- the bow hand clockwise, the string hand counterclockwise. Is there any torque during the shot that causes such a follow through? That is, is the rotation intentional?
In answer to your question - "No this movement doesn't create torque. The wrist of the bowhand flexes down vertically on release which is intentional, but it is just vertical and no intentional clockwise movement is made. The draw hand just follows a natural path caused by the shoulder going further behind and is not intentional but a natural movement caused by the follow through”.

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