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Q65 - Is it better to use a fingertab with a platform or not?
Last Updated 16/04/2014 at 02:09:35 PM EST
Dear Mr. Lee,
I am particularly interesting in your training method. I am just a question about finger tabs. Is it better to use a finger tab with platform or not ?
I am looking forward to receiving a reply from you.
May 29, 2011
from A.C. of France:

"Dear Mr. Lee,
I am particularly interesting in your training method. I am just a question about finger tabs. Is it better to use a finger tab with platform or not ?
I am looking forward to receiving a reply from you."
Shelf finger tabs have been around for a long time and to say is a shelf tab better or not is not really the issue. It depends entirely on how a shelf tab is used. The KSL Gold tab has a small shelf, which has been designed to be a secondary reference point only and the shelf itself should only make contact with the skin of the archer’s neck. The knuckle of the index finger should be the main contact point with the jawbone; as such the height of the shelf should be adjusted so that it is a few millimetres below the top of the index finger knuckle. The shelf should not be used to rest the thumb on or use it as the main contact point with the jawbone. If the shelf is used as the main contact point with the jawbone it would facilitate dissimilar tilts between different shots, or rock it on the jawbone, resulting in varying finger pressures on the string.

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